Wednesday, 1 December 2021

You're not going out in that ?


On Monday the snow lay thick on the ground at Cheetham CE Primary. But we got our wellies on and went out. 

There were numerous animal tracks to follow: birds, cats and, we think, a fox.  We picked snow-topped  green apples. We made snow sculptures.  We threw snowballs at empty plants pots for a snowy fairground game.  Then the children repurposed the pots as buckets to make snowcastles. One even decorated hers with leaves to make a snow tree. 

Needless to say, the children loved it.  Several said they had never played in snow before. 

A forest in the inner city


At Heald Place Primary in Rusholme, there is a lovely wooded area in the far corner of the field. It's full of hazel, sycamore and silver birch.  I've started taking small groups out to our "forest school". We've been hunting for minibeasts, flying "helicopters" (sycamore seeds), making small houses for the "forest people", but the favourite has been making shelters using tarps and bungee cords.   It howled it down today for 15 minutes but our shelter stood firm.