but it could be a weed. A blog about helping schools and community projects grow food and get into gardening.
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
You're not going out in that ?
A forest in the inner city
At Heald Place Primary in Rusholme, there is a lovely wooded area in the far corner of the field. It's full of hazel, sycamore and silver birch. I've started taking small groups out to our "forest school". We've been hunting for minibeasts, flying "helicopters" (sycamore seeds), making small houses for the "forest people", but the favourite has been making shelters using tarps and bungee cords. It howled it down today for 15 minutes but our shelter stood firm.
Friday, 1 October 2021
A city centre harvest
A group of families came down to the Great Northern community garden for a real harvest festival. They dug up potatoes, picked runner beans and ate sorrel. Everyone should have a go at digging up potatoes.
You hear a lot about mindfulness these days. This is what mindfulness looks like:
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Sunflowers and beans in the city centre
The planting at The Great Northern in central Manchester has gone well. Sunflowers are lighting up the amphitheatre where we also have potatoes coming on nicely.
It has been difficult due al the restrictions to get the community side going but we are planning a harvest event in September. The runner beans are looking good.
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
An orchard in the city centre